
名稱 jessicalawb
性別 女 
國藉 香港
分類 模特兒, 網紅
工作 試造型, 私影, 產品發佈, 產品試用, 品牌宣傳, 試食活動, 活動參與
身高 (cm) 158 cm 體重 (磅) 90 lb
三圍 31 23 31 頭髮顏色
眼睛顏色 鞋碼 UK6
紋身 (如有) - 穿洞 (如有) -


Hi! My name is Jessica B! I love the concept and products after watching your official website. I like to try new things and share the good stuffs to my friends or followers on my social media, such as foodie, fashion, beauty and lifestyle.
