
名稱 Ywong
性別 女 
國藉 香港
分類 攝影/拍片
工作 婚宴拍攝, 婚紗照, 一般人像
身高 (cm) 164 cm 體重 (磅) 110 lb
三圍 32/25/36 頭髮顏色 黑啡
眼睛顏色 鞋碼 40
紋身 (如有) - 穿洞 (如有) -


Y Wong

生於香港,外婆家在馬來西亞,貫通兩國文化。天蠍座女孩,凡事追求完美,執著認真的態度帶領專業的 Micasa Studio 團隊。
Y Wong, was born in Hong Kong, and her grandmother's family is in Malaysia, who's combining the culture of both countries. Scorpio girl, pursuing perfection in everything, and earnestly working attitude leading Micasa Studio team.

Engaged in ten-year styling design (advertising, wedding, portrait), at the same time as a professional diving instructor, fell in love with underwater portrait photography and went into photography industry.


Y makeup 十年化妝造型師經驗
Micasa Studio 水底攝影師
作品曾於2020wpe Awards International Photography得到了Silver