
名稱 Silveria
性別 女 
國藉 香港
分類 模特兒, 藝人
工作 廣告製作, 報章雜誌, 公開宣傳活動, 禮儀小姐, 影片/電影, Catwalk, 試造型, 私影, 影會活動, 其它
身高 (cm) 172 cm 體重 (磅) 121 lb
三圍 35/26/37 頭髮顏色 black
眼睛顏色 brown 鞋碼 8.5
紋身 (如有) - 穿洞 (如有) no


Thanks for looking at my portfolio smile
My name's Silveria. I'm a model who has been working in the industry in for more than 7 years now. I love the camera and getting to know many different people. I have a positive attitude and look to work with people who do as well. I not only model but work as a coordinator, stylist and am lucky to have worked with many great, models, photographers, and stylists. I love to collaberate. I think it's wonderful how we all can bring something unique and creative to the table!
