工作資料 Job Details


工作編號 - 02228

2. 聯絡資料






Hello我叫Hazel~ 今年21歲讀緊大學 興趣係跳街舞 跳開Hiphop freestyle 都有做開唔同運動 打波 水上活動呢啲都有 自己好鐘意挑戰唔同嘅野 對於styling, modelling同表演都好有興趣 平時IG會接少少廣告 都會同photog collab影下相訓練下自己 亦都入左model公司希望有更多modelling機會!! 希望可以去多啲唔同casting累積經驗 有機會都想出席下brand campaign擴闊下自己眼界

2023-10-05 19:20:09


你好啊有興趣apply!! 希望可以有機會casting thank you????

2023-10-05 19:35:48


你好啊有興趣apply!! 希望可以有機會casting thank you????

2023-10-05 19:37:57



2023-10-06 22:25:40


Hello 你好呀 我今年20歲平時都有接開一啲小廣告 我之前都係長跑運動員 依家係兼職做model 身高係173 希望可以嘗試一下

2023-10-07 00:25:55


Hello 你好呀 我今年20歲平時都有接開一啲小廣告 我之前都係長跑運動員 依家係兼職做model 身高係173 希望可以嘗試一下

2023-10-07 00:28:04


Hello 你好呀 我今年20歲平時都有接開一啲小廣告 我之前都係長跑運動員 依家係兼職做model 身高係173 希望可以嘗試一下

2023-10-07 00:30:12


Hello 你好呀 我今年20歲平時都有接開一啲小廣告 我之前都係長跑運動員 依家係兼職做model 身高係173 希望可以嘗試一下

2023-10-07 00:32:20


Hello 你好呀 我今年20歲平時都有接開一啲小廣告 我之前都係長跑運動員 依家係兼職做model 身高係173 希望可以嘗試一下

2023-10-07 00:34:28



2023-10-07 00:44:17


你好啊我係Ariel☺️ 我曾經為Wella Professional拍攝髮型設計教學片、中西式婚紗、化妝、人像平面廣告、Lane Crawford lookbook、運動服裝model。期待同你合作。

Hello this is Ariel. My modelling experience includes Wella Professional, wedding dresses in both western and Chinese styles, make-up, promotion advertisement, Lane Crawford lookbook and sportswear model. Looking forward to collaborating with you.

2023-10-07 20:00:54


你好啊我係Ariel☺️ 我曾經為Wella Professional拍攝髮型設計教學片、中西式婚紗、化妝、人像平面廣告、Lane Crawford lookbook、運動服裝model。期待同你合作。

Hello this is Ariel. My modelling experience includes Wella Professional, wedding dresses in both western and Chinese styles, make-up, promotion advertisement, Lane Crawford lookbook and sportswear model. Looking forward to collaborating with you.

2023-10-07 20:03:03


你好啊我係Ariel☺️ 我曾經為Wella Professional拍攝髮型設計教學片、中西式婚紗、化妝、人像平面廣告、Lane Crawford lookbook、運動服裝model。期待同你合作。

Hello this is Ariel. My modelling experience includes Wella Professional, wedding dresses in both western and Chinese styles, make-up, promotion advertisement, Lane Crawford lookbook and sportswear model. Looking forward to collaborating with you.

2023-10-07 20:05:11


你好啊我係Ariel☺️ 我曾經為Wella Professional拍攝髮型設計教學片、中西式婚紗、化妝、人像平面廣告、Lane Crawford lookbook、運動服裝model。期待同你合作。

Hello this is Ariel. My modelling experience includes Wella Professional, wedding dresses in both western and Chinese styles, make-up, promotion advertisement, Lane Crawford lookbook and sportswear model. Looking forward to collaborating with you.

2023-10-07 20:07:19


你好啊我係Ariel☺️ 我曾經為Wella Professional拍攝髮型設計教學片、中西式婚紗、化妝、人像平面廣告、Lane Crawford lookbook、運動服裝model。期待同你合作。

Hello this is Ariel. My modelling experience includes Wella Professional, wedding dresses in both western and Chinese styles, make-up, promotion advertisement, Lane Crawford lookbook and sportswear model. Looking forward to collaborating with you.

2023-10-07 20:09:27


你好啊我係Ariel☺️ 我曾經為Wella Professional拍攝髮型設計教學片、中西式婚紗、化妝、人像平面廣告、Lane Crawford lookbook、運動服裝model。期待同你合作。

Hello this is Ariel. My modelling experience includes Wella Professional, wedding dresses in both western and Chinese styles, make-up, promotion advertisement, Lane Crawford lookbook and sportswear model. Looking forward to collaborating with you.

2023-10-07 20:11:36


你好啊我係Ariel☺️ 我曾經為Wella Professional拍攝髮型設計教學片、中西式婚紗、化妝、人像平面廣告、Lane Crawford lookbook、運動服裝model。期待同你合作。

Hello this is Ariel. My modelling experience includes Wella Professional, wedding dresses in both western and Chinese styles, make-up, promotion advertisement, Lane Crawford lookbook and sportswear model. Looking forward to collaborating with you.

2023-10-07 20:13:44


你好啊我係Ariel☺️ 我曾經為Wella Professional拍攝髮型設計教學片、中西式婚紗、化妝、人像平面廣告、Lane Crawford lookbook、運動服裝model。期待同你合作。

Hello this is Ariel. My modelling experience includes Wella Professional, wedding dresses in both western and Chinese styles, make-up, promotion advertisement, Lane Crawford lookbook and sportswear model. Looking forward to collaborating with you.

2023-10-07 20:15:52


你好啊我係Ariel☺️ 我曾經為Wella Professional拍攝髮型設計教學片、中西式婚紗、化妝、人像平面廣告、Lane Crawford lookbook、運動服裝model。期待同你合作。

Hello this is Ariel. My modelling experience includes Wella Professional, wedding dresses in both western and Chinese styles, make-up, promotion advertisement, Lane Crawford lookbook and sportswear model. Looking forward to collaborating with you.

2023-10-07 20:18:00


你好啊我係Ariel☺️ 我曾經為Wella Professional拍攝髮型設計教學片、中西式婚紗、化妝、人像平面廣告、Lane Crawford lookbook、運動服裝model。期待同你合作。

Hello this is Ariel. My modelling experience includes Wella Professional, wedding dresses in both western and Chinese styles, make-up, promotion advertisement, Lane Crawford lookbook and sportswear model. Looking forward to collaborating with you.

2023-10-07 20:20:09


你好啊我係Ariel☺️ 我曾經為Wella Professional拍攝髮型設計教學片、中西式婚紗、化妝、人像平面廣告、Lane Crawford lookbook、運動服裝model。期待同你合作。

Hello this is Ariel. My modelling experience includes Wella Professional, wedding dresses in both western and Chinese styles, make-up, promotion advertisement, Lane Crawford lookbook and sportswear model. Looking forward to collaborating with you.

2023-10-07 20:22:17


你好啊我係Ariel☺️ 我曾經為Wella Professional拍攝髮型設計教學片、中西式婚紗、化妝、人像平面廣告、Lane Crawford lookbook、運動服裝model。期待同你合作。

Hello this is Ariel. My modelling experience includes Wella Professional, wedding dresses in both western and Chinese styles, make-up, promotion advertisement, Lane Crawford lookbook and sportswear model. Looking forward to collaborating with you.

2023-10-07 20:24:25



2023-12-28 15:19:24